About Humble Bee Herbal

Who is Humble Bee Herbal? We are a family owned small business, crafting sustainably made and packaged bath and body care products. We believe in the importance of all natural skincare and celebrating the abundance of this Earth. Everything that we need is provided to us through nature, all we need to do is celebrate the gifts we have been given.

Photo Credit Val Leddy

The Beginning

We started Humble Bee Herbal after years of experimenting with natural bath and body care. Beginning to pay attention to what we put into our bodies, we naturally began to question what we were putting on our bodies. We became concerned about all the products that we were using on our skin because it is our largest organ. So every chemical and unpronounceable mystery ingredient we put on our skin are absorbed into our bodies and that cannot be healthy. What happens to all those strange ingredients? It became vital to each of us to keep our outsides as healthy as our insides.

The more we were exposed to chemicals and additives, the more sensitive we became to all the artificial parts of our world. I (Angela) began to notice that my skin became less tolerant of artificial colors, additives, and preservatives the older I got. I struggled with healthy skin for a lot of my life and I have tried a whole litany of skin care products. Nothing worked for me. I became so distraught and frustrated thinking that I’d have to suffer with “bad” skin for the rest of my life. I also found that I become more sensitive to fake scents and would get headaches when the smells became overwhelming. So not only was my skin crying out for help, but my body was too.

I started with changing my diet and incorporating herbs daily. I also began to limit the products that I was using and went back to the basics. Since I was overhauling my diet I decided to overhaul my skin care as well. I found that the less ingredients I put in and on my body, the better my skin became and the better I felt. This tearing down and building back up of my skin care regime became a joy. I loved trying new whole ingredients and sharing recipes with family. From there we, as a family, explored the possibilities of healthy, healing skin care for each of us.

Humble Bee Herbal is Formed

This company was formed with three completely different individuals within one family. We are an artist, herbalist, former teacher, mother, sister, brother, and now creators of this new venture. We value having the varied input that spreads across many spectrums. We feel that we represent a good variety of gender, age, preference, and skin type spectrums. We each have different wants, needs, and expectations when it comes to skin care.

Our hope is to support people in their journey to a more natural way of life. We think that it is important to be as much a part of the earth as possible. That is why we use only sustainably sourced ingredients and support local bee hives as much as we can. Our packaging is mostly glass, metal, or paper. We use minimal plastic and no excess packaging. We also believe in the classic adage, recycle, reduce, reuse. Burned into many of our psyches at a young age, it is time to really put in the effort. Therefore if you send back the bottle or jar that your product came in, we offer a gift or discount for your next purchase. We are intent on leaving this planet in better shape than when we got here.